We believe that our faith, moral beliefs, worship, preaching, and teaching are grounded in God’s holy Word. As evangelical Christians, we proclaim Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth and the Life, and the only means of Salvation for humankind.
We profess the faith once delivered to the Saints. The word ‘orthodox’ means the correct belief in God and the true worship of God. Therefore, we offer the authentic historic faith and style of worship of the ancient Church for today’s world.
By our faithfulness to the above, we seek to present the teaching, mission, worship, and fellowship of the Apostolic Church to today’s world.
It’s All About Jesus
To “Reach, Teach and Preach Jesus” with authority and conviction, thereby spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Life and Salvation, and leading persons into eternal life with God the Father through His only Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
As Christ’s Church we live to obediently serve God and unite persons in faith to the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through the saving waters of Holy Baptism and to continually nourish this new life through Spirit-filled ministry, outreach, Christian fellowship, preaching, teaching, worship, and above all, by partaking regularly of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper.
Our Worship
We believe that Jesus comes and speaks to us in Scripture, the Sermon, and the Consecrated Bread and Wine. We are a church with a vital worship experience. We are people who believe the words spoken and sung, and we let it show by our enthusiasm.